Modern houses are an ideal combination of functionality, beauty and unique look, which will certainly be appreciated by Investors looking for an individual, out of the ordinary design which is at the same time convenient and economical in daily use.
Designs of both a house for a narrow plot, and of a house with a larger metric area in energy-saving standard can be found in our offer of modern houses. The characteristic feature of them is a lot of internal glazing, mainly in the living room, which makes that the interior is not only spatial, but also very well lighted. A straight, gable or entirely flat roof, exterior wall wooden finishing, metal barriers, light colours, sometimes with an added intensive colour accent emphasises modern features of buildings.
Modern houses are single-family houses with an attic or one-storey houses with a simple, austere structure, and decoration is an elegant and high-quality exterior wall finish of the house. Individual designs of stylish modern houses are also energy-saving, ecological houses, characterised sometimes by parameters which only passive houses have. Energy-saving installations and smart house systems improve living comfort and reduce building maintenance costs. Modern designs of houses are characterised by a flat roof, also houses with a gable and four-side roof, highlighting the modernity of the structure. They are also characterised by a very attractive simple-line shape, although we can also design classical single-family houses with modern accents.
We invite you for a free-of-charge consultation with our architect after which we can prepare preliminary cost estimate of the design and of the construction. We invite you to cooperate with us, you do not have to worry about a thing with us, we will design and carry out the works.
*Wszystkie zdjęcia są własnością DD Projekt, zrobione na wykonanych przez firmę DD Projekt inwestycjach. Wszelkie prawa autorskie należą do firmy DD Projekt. Zabrania się kopiowania zdjęć oraz opisów (w całości lub w części) bez zgody właściciela strony. Zgodnie z Ustawą o Prawie Autorskim i Prawach Pokrewnych z dnia 4 lutego 1994 roku (Dz.U.94 Nr 24 poz. 83, sprost.: Dz.U.94 Nr 43 poz.170) wykorzystywanie autorskich pomysłów, rozwiązań, kopiowanie, rozpowszechnianie zdjęć, fragmentów grafiki, tekstów opisów w celach zarobkowych, bez zezwolenia autora jest zabronione i stanowi naruszenie praw autorskich oraz podlega karze. Znaki towarowe i graficzne są własnością firmy.