from the project to implementation


interior design

selected realizations

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Flat projects-
in Krakow

Team of designers – D&D Projekt, offers the highest-level services in designing interiors of residential rooms, public and industrial facilities.

Stages of cooperation between a Client and a Designer:

At our first meeting, we consult with you the scope of preparation of a design of the flat and determine the style according to your expectations and taste. We then prepare an individual offer together with evaluation. Once it has been accepted, we start design works.

Stages of
house designing

Depending on the accepted scope of services, house designing is divided into four stages:

1. Initial Phase

• collecting information about space being designed, inventory-taking, photographic documentation, consultation of initial assumptions based on the existing condition

2. Conceptual Design

• preparation of a layout of the flat

• proposals of a layout of the walls and arrangement of the furniture

• 3D model / 2D demonstrative drawings

3. Executive Design

During this stage the so-called design documentation is drawn up

• determining the investment project budget and a schedule of particular works according to which further work proceeds

• selecting appropriate finishing materials (among others, floor, internal doors, lighting, wall coverings, tiles, ceramics and fittings, household appliances) based on material samples, using pictures from shops, websites or earlier arranged individual visits

• 3D visualisations

• preparing technical drawings containing, among others, schemes of electrical system and lighting as well as water and sewage schemes, views of walls with the arrangement of tiles, top views with the arrangement of floor, schemes of furniture. These are drawings necessary for the Contractor to properly implement the design assumptions accepted at the conceptual stage

• preparing a list of orders of necessary materials and elements of equipment

4. Author’s Supervision

• inspecting compliance of the implementation of works with the design documentation (inspection of the course of the works) and agreeing on the possibility to introduce, if necessary, replacement solutions

• coordinating orders based on reliable Suppliers and Contractors

The Author’s Supervision lasts until a set date of completion of the investment project based on the scope of preparation.

Our Offer:

interior designs of rooms(kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms, studies, dressing rooms, corridors, staircases, offices, service facilities)

• re-design and adaptation of existing designs

• small-architecture designs (for example, stairs, balconies)

• designs of single-family houses, alteration works, expansions, etc.

• designs of furniture and lighting

• selection of finishing materials

3D visualisations

• Author’s Supervision over the design

How is the project created, what is it about and what does it contain?

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Interior decoration and designing Kraków

We invite you to our office for a casual meeting for a free-of-charge hour’s consultation. We will suggest you solutions and ideas that will change your interior!

Design is planning. Planning is the base for success! Our experience and suggested design solutions, combined with your commitment, guarantee implementation of a common goal: Achieving an intended effect in the form of a dram design!

Architekt Grzegorz Klich

*Wszystkie zdjęcia są własnością DD Projekt, zrobione na wykonanych przez firmę DD Projekt inwestycjach. Wszelkie prawa autorskie należą do firmy DD Projekt. Zabrania się kopiowania zdjęć oraz opisów (w całości lub w części) bez zgody właściciela strony. Zgodnie z Ustawą o Prawie Autorskim i Prawach Pokrewnych z dnia 4 lutego 1994 roku (Dz.U.94 Nr 24 poz. 83, sprost.: Dz.U.94 Nr 43 poz.170) wykorzystywanie autorskich pomysłów, rozwiązań, kopiowanie, rozpowszechnianie zdjęć, fragmentów grafiki, tekstów opisów w celach zarobkowych, bez zezwolenia autora jest zabronione i stanowi naruszenie praw autorskich oraz podlega karze. Znaki towarowe i graficzne są własnością firmy.